16th Annual John Reid Memorial Golf Classic

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ASLAN is in our 45th year of service to urban, at–risk children in Monmouth County. Through mentoring, tutoring, recreation, enrichment and persistent care, ASLAN helps children, ages 5 to adult, overcome their difficult circumstances & become contributing members of society.

ASLAN graduates include a Navy Captain, several PhDs, engineers, systems analysts, pastors, teachers and nurses. For 21 years, Aslan has also operated a vibrant work in North– eastern Haiti. Through our stateside programs and in Haiti we regularly impact the lives of 400 children and countless adults! More information about Aslan can be found at www.aslanyouth.org

Proceeds from the John Reid Memorial Golf Classic benefit the over 600 at-risk children and families served annually by Aslan in the USA and in Haiti. On-line registration for the Golf Classic is located at: https://givebutter.com/XXi7Yx

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