We believe meaningful and permanent change takes place through the development of one’s character and by learning to live the basic principles of right and wrong.

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Aslan Chronicles!

Aslan Programs

Touching the whole person - body, mind & spirit!


Changing The World in America

Aslan in Haiti

Bringing hope to some of the poorest people on earth.


Changing The World In Haiti

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You can be a shining point of light!




We Can't Do It Alone.


Sponsor A Child!

Fun With Aslan

Aslan in Haiti


Be a Lifeline For A Child in Haiti!

Summer Camp Fundraiser!

For many years now, our Camp Aslan has been the solution to combat the “summer slide” with programs that provide wonderful learning experiences for our urban children at risk here in Monmouth County. Our camp provides a balanced mix of education, fun and recreational activities that run five days a week. Three of these days are dedicated to educational activities: science experiments, language lessons, arts and crafts, and learning chess.

Why it Matters

Our programs stimulate intellectual curiosity, combating the “summer slide” and enhancing learning. The remaining camp days are dedicated to recreation activities and field trips: zip-lining, rock-climbing, swimming, in-line skating, and beach outings. These encourage physical exercise and social interactions. Our comprehensive support system includes door-to-door transportation, meals, and snacks – all free of charge – to ensure all our kids can participate fully without placing additional burdens and expenses on their families. It’s a fact that Aslan’s Summer Camps provide experiences and opportunities that are out of reach for most of the families we serve.

Our summer camp program is free for a child in need. But that is only possible with the help of our supporters:

  • $50 underwrites transportation costs for a child to attend Camp Aslan.
  • $400 fills up the Aslan big blue bus with gas to bring campers to their enrichment activities.
  • $100 purchases healthy lunches for a group of campers.
  • $250 purchases summer camp supplies and equipment for campers.
  • $500 purchases entry to camp educational activities (local museums, rock climbing, boating).

Small business Sponsorship – $1,500 – Your business sponsors the summer camp program. Receive logo recognition on our website, emails and social media.


Why Our Golf Classic Is Necessary (and Fun)!

April 18th, 2024|

 In The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, educator and author, Steven Covey, encourages people to begin with the [...]


Sponsoring A Child In Haiti

For only $600 a year, you can change the course of a Haitian child and his family! Although the amount ($50/month) is the same as sponsoring one of our children in New Jersey, your $600 per year goes so much farther in Haiti.


The Mission of Aslan is, through God’s love, to effect permanent change in the hearts and minds of at-risk youth in America and in Haiti.

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