I wanted to share an inspiring and heartfelt story about one of the remarkable young women Aslan has had the privilege to support — Joi.

Joi is a beacon of compassion and intelligence. Her journey has been challenging. She faced significant challenges growing up, particularly with a loving but demanding father. When her parents separated, Joi and her brothers endured a painful period of separation. Yet, through faith and perseverance, they eventually reunited with their mother, strengthening their bond.

Despite these hardships, Joi’s resilience shone brightly. There were moments when her involvement with Aslan seemed uncertain, but her mother’s unwavering encouragement kept her attending. Over time, it became clear that these trials shaped Joi into an exceptionally strong individual. She became a leader in our teen classes and excelled academically, ultimately earning a full academic scholarship to Georgian Court University (GCU) due to her outstanding GPA.

While at GCU, Joi’s dedication to giving back never wavered. She generously volunteered at Aslan and became one of our cherished Bible Study teachers, touching the lives of many younger students with her wisdom and kindness.

Joi graduated at the top of her class and began her teaching career in the Red Bank school district. Driven by a deep desire to provide the same support she received from Aslan, she chose to teach in Newark, NJ, embracing its challenges with courage and grace. The value of paying it forward, which we hold dear at Aslan, was embedded in her heart.

Joi is continuing her educational journey by pursuing a Master’s Degree in Education. Her determination and commitment to making a difference in the lives of others are truly inspiring. Joi’s story is a powerful reminder of how support, love, and perseverance can help overcome adversity. We are incredibly proud of her achievements and eagerly anticipate all the incredible things she will accomplish in the future.

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