September 04, 2011
Hi Everyone!
It’s interesting how words are so misused in today’s world, especially in advertising. Every time I hear or see an advertisement, I remind myself that someone is trying to “sell” me something. That isn’t always a bad thing; but I’ve found that it’s best for me to pay close attention to exactly what it is I’m being “sold.” For example, when I hear a smooth, manly voice telling me I
should purchase a particular 4 x 4 SUV or 1-ton truck because it has “character,” I know I’m being sold down the river! Cars, trucks and SUVs don’t have character. They’re a piece of fiberglass and metal that will last X number of years, if I properly care for them.
Unfortunately, the same is true with too many people these days. It’s getting more and more difficult to find people of real character and integrity. That’s what makes my friend Joseph Israel such a special man. Webster defines integrity as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” The Latin word integritas is where we get the words integral, integer, intact, entirety, and integrate. In today’s world that blurs every moral line with relativism (do your own thing, as long as it doesn’t hurt me or get in my way), we need true men of character who will swim against the tide. In The Abolition of Man my favorite author, C.S. Lewis, says “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”
I first met Joseph on a blistering July day in 1996 in what was then a backwater village called Ouanaminthe. Over the past 16 years, that “village” has grown to a huge city and become the key customs and border crossing between the Dominican Republic and Haiti in the North of both countries. And Joseph and I have grown as well. First, we have become best of friends. Second, Joseph has become a major key to Aslan’s success in Haiti. And 100 percent of it is because he has shown himself to be a man of character and integrity.
This past week Pam Hess and Tara Cosentino were in Haiti for a week-long Aslan Vacation Bibleschool Day Camp. Pam called me on her way back from JFK on Friday night to tell me how wonderful her week had been. Of special note, she said that Aslan has raised up such a leader and man of integrity in Joseph. And she said, “What a joy it is to see Joseph himself now raising up men and women leaders who will impact the entire nation of Haiti for countless years to come!”
We incorporated Aslan Youth Ministries on January 13, 1975 in El Paso, Texas, just before Lynn Ann and myself, Dusty (my sister), Bill (my brother-
in-law), Shane & Christian (their two little boys), Traci (their foster daughter), and Pooh (Bill & Dusty’s annoying poodle) left for New Jersey with a few hundred dollars and a big dream. There has been a lot of heartache over these many years, but one thing has remained the same. God has changed more lives than you can imagine through Aslan Youth Ministries. He’s done it one life at a time, and we’re thankful that it was no accident we came upon a young man named Joseph Israel . . . a world away in Haiti . . . so many years ago.
God’s love to you all,
P.S. The picture above is of Joseph giving a bag of rice to one of our Aslan moms and her little one in L’Acajou. The expression on his face shows the gentleness he has for children.
P.P.S. Please continue to pray for our medical units in Haiti. We are working every day behind the scenes to procure their release, and we feel we are very close to getting them out of customs. Below is one of our units being loaded for shipment from Wichita where they were built at Hospitals of Hope back in early June.