Monthly Archives: November 2019

Mentoring at Right Choices Makes a Real Difference

 Quadasia was always a very shy and insecure young woman with very low self-esteem. We knew when she started coming to Aslan Right Choices at the age of 8 that it would take a long time to get her to open [...]

2020-05-04T15:51:08-04:00November 15th, 2019|Latest News, Success Stories|Comments Off on Mentoring at Right Choices Makes a Real Difference

Aslan Grad’s Journey to Becoming A Teacher

Natasha is one of those children you fall in love with the moment you meet them. She started Aslan as a sweet little 7 year-old who was pleasant to be around and almost never a problem for anyone. She grew up [...]

2020-05-04T15:51:38-04:00November 13th, 2019|Latest News, Success Stories|Comments Off on Aslan Grad’s Journey to Becoming A Teacher

Foundations and Donors Are Noticing

2020 marks the 45th anniversary of Aslan Youth Ministries. Since 1975, Aslan has provided community development programs focusing on the spiritual and educational development of children in Red Bank, Long Branch, Neptune and Asbury Park NJ.  All the children we serve [...]

2020-05-04T15:52:47-04:00November 6th, 2019|Latest News|Comments Off on Foundations and Donors Are Noticing

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