
Churches: A Perfect Fit to Fellowship and Ministry

For many years Aslan Youth Ministries has received support from churches in support of our service to the children in Monmouth County, NJ.  We minister to some of the most marginalized families who have endured the challenges of poverty and [...]

2021-05-08T15:06:34-04:00May 7th, 2021|Latest News, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Churches: A Perfect Fit to Fellowship and Ministry

Volunteers Are The Heartbeat Of Our Ministry. Here’s Why.

Thank you, Jen, Paul, Isabella & Annabella, and all your many friends for the bright light and blessing you are to us and to the children and families of Aslan! 

2020-12-19T11:11:38-05:00December 17th, 2020|Latest News, News, Success Stories|Comments Off on Volunteers Are The Heartbeat Of Our Ministry. Here’s Why.

Youth Earns Aslan Scholarship and Becomes an Engineer at NASA

Earnest’s Aslan tutor/mentor helped him stay focused on learning and his grades improved and were great!

2020-11-30T15:14:25-05:00November 30th, 2020|Latest News, News, Success Stories|Comments Off on Youth Earns Aslan Scholarship and Becomes an Engineer at NASA

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